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Climbing in Dolomites - Via Andrich Faè Torre Venezia Civetta

The Torre Venezia isolated and surrounded by a thousand other spiers and the unprecedented walls of the north-west of the Civetta.
Numerous roads that climb it like the classic Castiglioni, the Tissi, the Ratti or the dihedral Livanos.
The classic Via Andrich - Faè instead climbs along the south-west face with continuous difficulties and on excellent rock.
The most beautiful classic route of the Tower.

First ascenders: Alvise Andrich, Ernani Faè the 17-08-1934.
Support points: We recommend staying overnight at the Rifugio Vazzoler.

Best mothers: June / September.
Difficulty: V°, V°+ 380 mt.
Price: starting from € 380. 
The proposed dates:
13-14  June 2020,
25-26 July 2020 
22-23 August 2020,
19-20 September 2020.

It is possible to book the climb on dates other than those mentioned above.

Contact us :-)  +39 331-5089786

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Via Ferrata Marmolada Punta Penia - The Queen of the Dolomites

Climbing the highest peak in the Dolomites for the Via Ferrata of the West ridge and
descending along the normal route is certainly the most beautiful route that
can be tackled on the Queen of the Dolomites.

1st day: We go up to the refuge Pian dei Fiacconi (m 2626) to sleep, doing so you will could to enjoy an exceptional sunset over the Dolomites.
2nd day: From Pian dei Fiacconi slightly downhill and then going up along the path and gravels you reach the Vernel glacier where on snow or ice depending on the conditions are reached at the beginning of the via ferrata.
The first section up to Marmolada Pass is simple, then go up along the north-west ridge characterized from long slabs equipped with ropes and metal ladders to reach the edge where you can admire a part of the spectacular and dizzying south wall.
At the end of the Via Ferrata you reach rocks or snow depending on the conditions at the Punta Penia hut and the summit cross (3343m) From here the view extends over all the Dolomites.

The descent starts along the normal route which leaves first on the ridge called "back of the mule", then on a rocky cimney equipped we reach the glacier below. Once the crampons are put back, the last part of glacier ends and finally reach to the Pian dei Fiacconi Refuge.

We recommend a good physical preparation, also the via ferrata is recommended for those who already have experience of via ferrata.

Best months: June / October.
Difficulty: difficulty ferrata.
Price: starting from €  each.

Contact us :-)  +39 331-5089786

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Cimon de la Pala Via Ferrata Bolver Pale Group

On Pale di San Martino massif you will find numerous via ferratas and equipped paths.
The Bolver Lugli via ferrata at Cimon de la Pala is perhaps the one that attracts more people than all the others.
Probably because it has easy access, probably because it goes up to the best known peak of the Pale di San Martino.
One thing is sure, this very beautiful and demanding climb allows us to fully enjoy a 360 ° panorama of all the Dolomite groups.

Best months: June / October.
Difficulty: medium ferrata.
Price: starting from € 90 each.

Contact us :-)  +39 331-5089786

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Climbing in Dolomites Spigolo del Velo Pale di San Martino Group

Dolomiti - Climbing Pale di San Martino route edge of the Veil Summit Madonna 100 years edge of the Veil with Langes e Merlet

The edge of the veil at Cima della Madonna is a bow of 400 meters of perfect rock, myth of verticality, exposure, pleasure in movement. This year marks a century, a hundred round years since Gunther Langes and Erwin Merlet opened this itinerary which immediately became classic.

Continuous difficulties, neither too easy nor too demanding.
Exposure, verticality favored by a very worked rock, which offers in addition to numerous holds and supports, hourglasses, spikes and crevices where you can protect yourself safely.
And then the panorama, the evening before at the Rifugio del Velo, the splits between pillar and the other necessary to continue climbing.
Manifestation of that acrobatic mountaineering that made just the right popularity in the Dolomites climbing in those years. Pleasant climbing as few in the Dolomites know how to be. This year is the better occasion to celebrate the anniversary!

First ascenders: G. Langes, E. Merlet il 19 luglio 1920.
Support points: We recommend staying overnight at the Rifugio del Velo 

Best mothers: June / September.
Difficulty: IV°+, V°, V°+ 380 mt.
Price: starting from € 380. 
The proposed dates:
20-21 June 2020,
18-19 July 2020 the day of the first ascent.
22-23 August 2020,
12-13 September 2020.

It is possible to book the climb on dates other than those mentioned above.

Contact us :-)  +39 331-5089786

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