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Dolomiti - Climbing Pale di San Martino route edge of the Veil Summit Madonna
100 years edge of the Veil with Langes e Merlet

The edge of the veil at Cima della Madonna is a bow of 400 meters of perfect rock, myth of verticality, exposure, pleasure in movement. This year marks a century, a hundred round years since Gunther Langes and Erwin Merlet opened this itinerary which immediately became classic.

Dolomiti - Moiazza route Decima Pala delle Masenade

This classic itinerary is certainly one of the most beautiful climb in the Dolomites.
The difficulties which are never too high and homogeneous will allow us to climb along the strains and dihedral of excellent rock.
The rock smoothed by the water that descends from the Scalet delle Masenade advises us to avoid the ascent on uncertain days or after heavy rains.

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